I'm on a cloud

I’m on a cloud
That steals my heart away
Straight to the moon,
Earth zips by…

And in my youth
Stories of wonderful things
Showered my mind with fantasies such as this.

Now it has come
To take me away
To a beautiful place of earnest love and care

The wind is light,
The stars are free,
The night is filled with thoughts bewildered by swirls of water in the sky…

So gently caressed,
My heart rides with the cloud
While the moon grows bright,
While the moon grows large...

And I dream,
I dream…

It freshens the air which surrounds me,
It guides me to that which I long…
The sky becomes earth and the earth becomes sky!
And I stretch for the moon just in reach…

And I dream,
I dream,
I dream.